Grants awarded for VE Day celebrations across the borough

Melton Borough Council is pleased to announce that all grant applications received for the VE Day 80th Anniversary small grant fund will be awarded.
VE Day, also known as Victory in Europe Day, celebrates the end of the Second World War in Europe and the 80th Anniversary Celebrations will take place 8th May and all across the weekend that follows. The grant scheme, which closed on 7th March, was launched to support local community groups and organisations with their VE day celebrations. Melton Borough Council received a total 18 applications from local schools, organisations and community groups across the borough, who between them will receive a total of £7,633 of grant funding to support their VE day plans.
Activities and events to mark this momentous anniversary include village parties, art initiatives, wildflower planting and music events along with a number of celebrations in conjunction with Melton’s 1940s Weekend including local radio broadcast of the events on the weekend. To find out more about VE projects and activities across the borough please visit and for events across the country visit:
Cllr Pip Allnatt, Leader of the Council, said: “I am delighted to announce that we will be funding all applications that we have received for the VE Day Celebrations that will be happening all across the borough.
“It will be good that communities have the opportunity to share these events, and we hope they bring everyone together to both remember and celebrate the freedom that VE Day represents. I wish to thank everyone involved in making this possible”
The Council have contacted all the successful applicants to make grant funding arrangements, and we look forward to showcasing the diverse and wide-ranging celebrations and activities that will mark this momentous occasion.
For more information please contact:
Additional Information:
The grant scheme has been made possible from funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. The Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK investing in communities and place, supporting local business and people and skills.
For more information visit: