Celebrating Her Majesty The Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Melton

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee is taking place over a four day Bank Holiday weekend between Thursday 2 to Sunday 5 June.
To celebrate this momentous anniversary local residents, businesses and organisations are encouraged to get involved by planning events and street parties in the Melton borough.
To support community celebrations across Melton, grant funding is available through the council’s Platinum Jubilee Small Grants Scheme.
Melton Borough Council is making a fund of £7000 available to support a range of community Platinum Jubilee projects. Eligible community groups, charities and parish councils organising events and projects can apply for funding between £70 and £700 to help make their local celebrations a success.
The scheme is now open for applications and will close at 11:59pm on 24 April 2022.
Cllr Alison Freer, Portfolio Holder for Climate, Access and Engagement said: “We already run a well-established and successful community grants scheme in Melton through which a range of community groups make a positive difference to our communities. We are pleased to build on this success to offer a one off Platinum Jubilee Small Grants Scheme to help our local communities celebrate the Jubilee this year.
We expect there will be a high level of demand and unfortunately we won’t be able to fund every request but we know that a small amount of funding can make a big difference to delivering projects and initiatives in local communities and we look forward to seeing what comes forward through this scheme. We would particularly welcome applications where there is some match funding in place to help the available funds go further.”
All events being planned for the Platinum Jubilee should be registered on the Leicestershire County Council website and if a street or road needs to be closed to traffic approval must be sought by submitting a formal application.
All fees and documentation associated with the legal application have been waived for The Queen’s Jubilee events and the application time has been reduced to 6 weeks.
Events that will be selling food and drink, having live music on a stage or on council land or a greenspace need to apply for a temporary event notice from Melton Borough Council.
Full details for registering an event, and details of how to apply for any road closures/restrictions, can be found on the Leicestershire County Council website. The deadline for events that need a road closure and to apply for cones and signs is 15th April.
More information about The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, local events and the grant funding, including eligibility criteria and allocations of payments, can be found on the Melton Borough Council website: www.melton.gov.uk/platinumjubilee
Jubilee Plans are already in progress for the extended Back Holiday weekend including special music celebrations, beacons and street parties.
Melton town parks, Market Place, St Mary’s Church and the Livestock market are among the many venues being used to host events for what is being planned by representatives of Melton BID, Melton Town Estate, town representatives and community groups.
Details of all the celebrations will be published on www.discovermelton.com as they are confirmed. To add a local celebration event to the Discover Melton website email discover@melton.gov.uk with the details.
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