Positive step forward for the southern distributor road

The much anticipated southern distributor road took a positive step forward today as Leicestershire County Council reconsidered whether to accept the £15m funding from Homes England as part of the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF). At a County Council Cabinet meeting held today (Tuesday 20 July) the decision was made to conditionally accept the funding subject to further joint working with Melton Borough Council and Homes England.
Leader of Melton Borough Council, Cllr Joe Orson welcomed the news by saying:
“Following the overwhelming public support and representations made by ourselves and many others, I am delighted that the County Council have reconsidered their position and are now recommending that they should conditionally accept the Housing Infrastructure Fund grant from Homes England. This will certainly help to put delivery of the southern section of the road back on track.
We have always recognised the significant cost of the infrastructure required to support sustainable growth in Melton, and we have always been prepared to help the County Council manage the financial risks they face as highways and education authority. Clearly, though, given the scale of our budgets we have to be realistic about what we can contribute and through positive dialogue, I am delighted the County Council have recognised this and that we are now in a position to agree a reasonable financial cap which demonstrates our commitment but which will not jeopardise our financial future.
We will be bringing forward a number of important supporting policy documents including a new Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document and new and updated master plans for both the northern and southern neighbourhoods, building on the work previously agreed by both councils
Given where things were a month ago, this represents very positive progress and whilst more work is required, by working in partnership we can ensure the funding is secured, and the road is delivered.”
Statutory consultation will commence on the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) following consideration by Melton Borough Council’s Cabinet on Wednesday (21st July). Subject to that consultation, it is anticipated the SPD will be considered by Council for adoption in September. Work on the northern and southern Master Plans is already underway and they are expected to be completed and adopted by the end of 2021.