We are carrying out essential maintenance from 6pm tonight. This may affect some of our online systems such as My Account, online forms, accessing planning applications, the postcode search tool, and browsing committee meeting information. We apologies for the inconvenience and anticipate that systems should be back online by the morning. 

Melton Borough Council elect new Mayor at the annual meeting of the Council.

Mayor Making 2022, from right to left Elaine Holmes (Deputy Mayor), Alan Hewson (Mayor), Peter Faulkner (outgoing Mayor)

Melton Borough Council held the annual meeting of the Council on Thursday 12 May 2022.

The Council elected Councillor Alan Hewson as the Mayor for the coming year, who announced that the Mayor’s Charity would be LOROS and Dove Cottage, a local hospice in the Vale of Belvoir.

Councillor Elaine Holmes was elected as Deputy Mayor.

Outgoing Mayor Cllr Peter Faulkner stated that “This year has been an unusual time to serve as Mayor but it has been an absolute privilege. Our community have faced many changes and challenges but I was proud to be able to support Melton through this time, and meet so many fantastic people doing amazing work locally. I want to thank Cllr Hewson for his services as my Deputy Mayor and I wish him the best of luck in the year to come.”

Cllr Alan Hewson, The Mayor of Melton, added “I am really pleased to have the opportunity to serve the Borough of Melton. I intend to do all I can for our community over the next 12 months. Although we may still have challenges to face, there is lots to look forward to, beginning with Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in just a few weeks’ time.”

During the meeting the Members agreed the Council’s Constitution, including some proposed amendments to ensure the Constitution is kept up to date and the relevant schemes of delegation.

Councillors were appointed as Chairmen and Vice Chairmen to several Committees of the Council including Scrutiny Committee (Cllr Robert Child) Planning Committee (Cllr Pam Posnett); Audit & Standards Committee (Cllr Don Pritchett); and Licensing Committee (Cllr Jeanne Douglas) – full details can be found at:





For more information please contact:

Email: Communications@melton.gov.uk

13 May 2022