We are carrying out essential maintenance from 6pm tonight. This may affect some of our online systems such as My Account, online forms, accessing planning applications, the postcode search tool, and browsing committee meeting information. We apologies for the inconvenience and anticipate that systems should be back online by the morning. 

New long-term draft strategy sets out Council vision for Melton

Parkside offices

Melton Borough Council’s new draft Corporate Strategy is on its journey to adoption by the Council.  The strategy sets out the council’s new longer-term vision and aspirations for the next twelve years, supported by a four-year delivery plan.  

Cabinet Members considered the first draft of a new strategic vision before Christmas and invited members of the community to feedback their views on a number of vision statements through a period of public consultation. The feedback received has helped shape the latest draft of the document which will be considered by the Council’s Scrutiny Committee on 25th January, before the final version is considered for adoption by Full Council, alongside the budget for 2024/25, on 8th February 2024.   

Leader of the Council, Pip Allnatt said, “I’m delighted to that our new draft Corporate Strategy and our first annual budget continue on their journey to adoption. The new strategy reflects our commitment to listen to residents and focus on the things that matter most to them.  It rightly retains commitments to ensuring our communities live in good homes, supported by the right infrastructure, and have access to good jobs, but it also increases our focus on protecting our rural heritage, regenerating our town centre, and making Melton cleaner, greener and more attractive.  

Setting these ambitious long-term aspirations for the borough will help us to improve facilities, develop infrastructure and deliver high quality services for the people of Melton, whilst ensuring the Council remains financially sustainable, and we keep Council Tax as affordable for residents as possible.”  

Public finances remain under sustained pressure and it is imperative that the Council’s new strategy is realistic and achievable. The new vision sets a clear direction and makes a number of clear commitments, but also recognises that it may take time to secure the required funding or resources to deliver them. 

Alongside consideration of the new Corporate Strategy, the Council’s draft annual budget for 2024/25 will also be considered by the Scrutiny Committee on 25th January. Funding for public services continues to be under extreme pressure and since 2010, the funding Melton Borough Council has to deliver services has reduced by nearly 50%. The Council works extremely hard to protect and resource the services that matter most to our residents, and also to ensure they are as efficient as possible.  

Through prudent management, the Cabinet are able to propose a number of investments to support priorities and aspirations set out in the new strategy.  Examples of areas due to be considered includes additional resources to support improving private sector housing quality, environmental improvements in the town centre, and resources to support planning. Proposals to invest in a number of new ICT systems will also help the council improve the way it engages with the community and for services to operate more effectively. 

Being able to invest in priority areas despite the challenging financial environment is due to the tight grip the council has on its finances and the on going efforts to achieve efficiency savings throughout the year. Further work continues to ensure that the Council achieves value for money from all its assets and buildings, and this will continue.   

The council’s current Corporate Strategy runs until 31 March 2024 and the new strategy would take effect from 1st April once approved by Council.  




For more information please contact: communications@melton.gov.uk

18 January 2024