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Melton’s Leader presents petition with over 2,200 signatures to County Hall

Leader Of The Council Cllr Joe Orson Delivers Petition To County Hall

 Following the shock announcement, Cllr Joe Orson, Leader of Melton Borough Council called upon the County Council to rethink its plan and not break its promise to the people of Melton when it meets to consider the issue at tomorrow’s Cabinet meeting.

Since launching the petition 7 days ago, the public response has been incredible, and over 2,200 people have signed, with their voices joined by the Leaders of 5 other District Councils, the MP for Rutland and Melton, and now the RH Robert Jenrick MP, MCHLG Secretary of State also urging the County Council to reconsider their plans.

In a final letter delivered alongside the petition to County Hall today, Cllr Orson made it clear that “no-one wants you to do what you are proposing”, and reiterated the Borough Council’s offer to work with them, the prospective developers and government agencies to secure the money and deliver the road.

The letter from Cllr Orson to Cllr Rushton, Leader of Leicestershire County Council can be downloaded from this website at the following link:

Letter from Cllr Orson to Cllr Rushton - Leader of LCC

The petition can still be found and signed here:




For more information please contact:

21 June 2021