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Melton Borough Council elects new Leader

Pip Allnatt, Leader of the Council, sitting outside Parkside

A new leader of Melton Borough Council has been elected.

Labour Councillor, Cllr Pip Allnatt was voted in as Leader of the Council at the Annual Council Meeting on Wednesday 24 May 2023 with Independent Councillor, Cllr Margaret Glancy appointed as Deputy Leader.

On being confirmed as the new Leader of the Council, Cllr Allnatt said:

“It is an honour and privilege to be elected as Leader of Melton Borough Council. As we move onto this new chapter for the Council I want to ensure that we get together to lead for the common good of the community. Everyone will have a voice and we need to start with a clean slate.   

"We are a mixed group of Councillors all with a variety of issues we will want to bring forward. It's important we recognise that through the ballot box, the public have expressed a desire for change. This doesn’t mean we throw the baby out with the bath water and we will continue to build on all the things the council is already doing really well, but we will take stock and listen and ensure we develop policies democratically and with broad support.  

"I am delighted to confirm Cllr Margaret Glancy as the Council’s Deputy Leader and to name a slimmer Cabinet to include fellow Councillors, Cllr Sarah Cox, Cllr Pat Cumbers and Cllr Sharon Butcher.

"I look forward to working with the whole community, including the parishes and those in the town centre, to implement improvements in a timely, effective and efficient manner for all our residents.”

On being confirmed as Deputy Leader, Cllr Margaret Glancy said:

“I would like to thank everyone who has voted for me and allowed me this opportunity to take up the role of Deputy Leader. I am looking forward to working with and supporting Cllr Allnatt in his new role and strongly believe he is the best person for the job as Leader of the Council. This is not a politically driven decision, it is one reflective of his experience and of our desire to move forward and unite the council. I am confident we can work well together as a harmony cabinet with a majority of Independent Councillors to achieve the best for our community.”

Following the local elections on May 4, the Labour Group have 5 Councillors, the Conservative Group has 11 Councillors, and there are 10 Independents, 9 of whom have formed an Independent Group, as well as single Green Party and Liberal Democrat members.

At the Council’s Annual meeting the vote to elect Cllr Pip Allnatt as the new Council Leader was 13 in favour, 11 against and 4 abstentions.

At the same meeting Cllr Alan Hewson was re-elected as the Mayor and will serve in the role for the next 12 months, supported by the new Deputy Mayor, Cllr Tim Webster.



25 May 2023