Let’s Get Moving Melton is back with a jam-packed week of taster sessions to get residents more active

Following a successful event last year, Melton Borough Council’s Healthy and Active Communities Team are bringing back Let’s Get Moving Melton as a week full of taster sessions between Monday 12 and Sunday 18 August 2024 to get Melton residents more active.
Last year, Let’s Get Moving Melton Day attracted 1009 people to try over 30 different activities and this year is set to be even better. With over 70 free physical activity taster sessions available, it’s even easier for residents to ‘move more’ for their own physical and mental wellbeing.
To make Let’s Get Moving Melton Week more accessible, the sessions will be held in community venues across the borough by local instructors, coaches, community groups and sports clubs to showcase the wealth of physical activities available locally to all ages.
Residents can book on to sessions by visiting the Melton Sport and Health Alliance website where they can find a timetable of all the free activities available throughout the week. There will also be an option to pick up a physical copy of the timetable at Parkside reception.
Cllr Pat Cumbers, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Health and Wellbeing said:
“Let’s Get Moving Melton is a great way for individuals and families of all ages to get active together and find out what the Melton community has to offer in terms of physical activity, health and wellbeing.
“There are some amazing taster sessions available throughout the week and I encourage residents to sign up and give them a go.”
In the build-up to Let’s Get Moving Melton Week, residents can follow the #letsgetmovingmelton hashtag on social media, which will be promoting local green/open spaces for residents to visit and be active alongside showcasing videos of the Let’s Get Moving Melton ambassadors being active and why being active is so important to them.
For the latest Let’s Get Moving Melton Week updates, a timetable of what activities will be available and to book on to an activity, visit the Melton Sports and Health Alliance website and social media:
Website: www.meltonsportandhealth.org.uk/letsgetmovingmeltonweek
Instagram, Twitter & Facebook: MeltonSportHA
For more information please contact:
Melton Sport and Health Alliance
Email: sportsandhealth@melton.gov.uk