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Council launches the new Corporate Strategy 2020-2024

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The Corporate Strategy 2020–2024 sets out the Council’s focus and aspirations over the next 4 years.

The strategy, which was initially set to be released in April this year, has been refreshed by the Council to incorporate the evolving needs of the community in light of responding to Covid-19.

The new strategy was approved at the meeting of the Council on Wednesday 23 September 2020.

Joe Orson, Leader of the Council said:

“I am delighted that we are finally able to launch the Council’s Corporate Strategy, which presents a clear focus for the Council over the next 4 years.
It was pleasing that even faced with the changing situation caused by Covid -19, the 6 priorities we set ourselves in February remained relevant and appropriate. What we have done therefore is refine their focus to emphasise those issues that will now be most pressing over the coming months and years.
As we anticipate an increase in unemployment and financial, and mental well-being needs, we are placing an even greater emphasis on supporting our community, learning from and sustaining the fantastic approach taken through our Community Support hub.
The Council’s commitment to improve council homes and landlord services remains unchanged, but now includes an additional focus on utilising existing and new stock to provider better temporary accommodation for those who need it; particularly when risks of homelessness are increasing.
The Covid-19 crisis has exacerbated inequalities and made them more pronounced. The Council’s commitment to inclusive growth, aligned with the government’s levelling up agenda, has never been more important.
The strategy retains the clear focus on delivering a number of key priorities; including the Manufacturing Zones, using our assets for housing, securing a sustainable future for the Melton Sports Village and lobbying for a second GP surgery. It also refocuses activity on supporting the town centre recovery and expanding the rural pub scheme to support the wider hospitality and farming sector; so affected by the current situation.
I am proud of this strategy and I am proud of the way our council continues to support our community. The strategy is built upon a new vision, priorities and key investment decisions, and we are confident that this will guide us in shaping a better future for Melton.”

The Corporate Strategy 2020-2024 was formulated in late 2019 using data and evidence from sources such as:

  • The Residents’ Survey 2019
  • The Local Government Association Peer Review
  • The Local Industrial Strategy Economic Review

Once developed, the draft strategy underwent a public consultation during December 2019 and January 2020.

The results of the consultation showed positive feedback relating to the new priorities and key investment decisions.

Following the consultation, the strategy was originally approved by Council on Wednesday 26 February 2020. But the national lockdown in March meant the launch was delayed so resources could be diverted to focus on the immediate response.

The Council have reviewed the initial impacts from Covid-19 and have refined parts of the strategy to respond to these changing needs.

The Council is confident that the new Corporate Strategy best reflects the needs of the community and the council for the next four years focusing on the community, the economy and the environment.

For more information or to view the Corporate Strategy 2020-2024 visit

Alternatively, you can watch the Corporate Strategy video on YouTube.

24 September 2020