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Melton Borough Council received Gold Award for supporting armed forces community

Ministry of Defence Employee Recognition Scheme Gold Award 2022

Melton Borough Council has received a Gold Award for the Ministry of Defence Employer Recognition Scheme.

The Gold Award is the highest badge of honour for employers who support those who serve in the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families.

Melton Borough Council is one of only three employers in Leicestershire to receive this award this year. The borough has a long history and close links to the armed forces, this award solidifies the council’s ongoing commitment to support the Armed Forces Covenant and local veterans.    

Cllr Malise Graham, Deputy Leader of the Council, said “I am delighted that our efforts have been rewarded by achieving the Gold Armed Forces Employer Recognition Scheme, this is recognition of all the work we have done to support our armed forces community across the Borough.

“This award highlights the importance our Council places on the debt we owe our veterans and armed forces communities and recognises the value they bring both to our workforce and Borough.

“The policies and processes that we have put in place as part of this work will make a positive difference to those who have and continue to serve in the armed forces. I am extremely proud of the work we have done and I would like to thank all of those involved in gaining this reward, that recognises the caring professionalism they have shown.”

As part of The Gold Award responsibilities the council has reviewed and amended and number of policies and initiatives to encourage and support  our current and future employees who are veterans, Reservists, and Cadet Force Adult Volunteers, as well as spouses and partners of those serving in the Armed Forces. This has included granting additional leave so Reservists can fulfil their training requirements and offering a guaranteed interview for those who meet the criteria for a vacancy at the Council.

In addition, the council advocates the benefits of supporting those within the Armed Forces community by encouraging others to sign the Armed Forces Covenant and engaging in the Employer Recognition Scheme.

Edd de Coverly, Chief Executive commented “Melton has such a strong association with our Armed Forces, and I am delighted that our commitment to those who give incredible service to our country has been recognised by this fantastic achievement.  I am proud to have a forces-friendly work environment and thank everyone who made this achievement possible.”

Find out more about the Armed Forces Covenant.




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11 July 2022