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Council receive green deal grant funding

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Following a successful bid, Melton Borough Council have been awarded £340,000 in grant funding to improve the energy efficiency of our council housing stock through the government’s Green Homes Local Authority Delivery scheme.  

The funding will be used to improve and update council owned properties which are non-traditional build types and council housing stock in the outlying villages which are off-gas and suitable for Solar PV, to make them more energy efficient.

The council will supply an additional £300,000 of its own funds to ensure works can be undertaken on nearly 70 properties within the borough, to either increase the external insulation of properties or fit Solar PV panels.  

Later this month, surveys and assessments will be carried out to assess the suitability of the properties, with works due to take place over summer 2021.

Cllr Alan Pearson, Portfolio Holder for Housing and Communities stated “This grant funding is excellent news for Melton Borough Council and its tenants. Not only will this programme of work help to reduce fuel poverty by supporting tenants who can find heating their homes to be expensive, it also helps to phase out high carbon fossil fuel heating and delivers progress towards the UK’s commitment to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050.  

As part of our new Corporate Strategy we are committed to improving our environment, promoting sustainability throughout the borough and ensuring that we provide the best housing offer in the region. It highlights our commitment to work with and listen to our residents and understand their needs.  These housing improvement works are an important step in our journey towards a greener, cleaner Melton for all.”




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16 February 2021