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Council celebrates best housing delivery in 30 years

House Being Built

At last night’s meeting of the Cabinet, the members reviewed the 2021/2022 Five-years’ Housing Land Supply and Housing Trajectory report.

The annual report provides information in relation to the current housing delivery and housing supply situation in the borough.

The latest report confirms that Melton Borough Council have assisted in the delivery of 365 homes in the last financial year including 49 affordable homes, which is well above the target of 245 set out in the Local Plan. This is the largest number of houses built annually in the borough in the last 30 years.

Additionally, through the report the Council have been able to demonstrate 8.4 years housing land supply against a minimum target set by the government of 5 years.

These findings encouragingly signify that the current Melton Local Plan is delivering to our communities as intended, ensuring development is directed to the priority areas allocated in the plan. 

Councillor Rob Bindloss, Portfolio Holder for Growth and Regeneration said:

“This is excellent news for our communities, at no point in the last 30 years have this many homes been delivered in Melton Borough. With the population increasing we are managing to provide vital homes in the borough and throughout Leicestershire, doing our bit to ease the housing crisis.

“Having new, high quality homes being built in Melton, strengthens the borough’s appeal as a great place to live, work and invest in. We are committed to supporting sustainable growth and investment into the area. Building homes creates additional construction jobs, encourages investment and increases spend in our local economy. Having an up-to-date Local Plan and a deliverable 5 year housing land supply is essential to ensure that this excellent level of housing delivery can continue, attracting more people and businesses to our borough which in turn will support our local economy”.




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14 July 2022