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How the Council makes decisions

Agendas, decisions and minutes of meetings

Explore the agendas and minutes for all public meetings held at the council:

The Forward Plan

Our Forward Plan contains a list of all key decisions, and decisions to be made in private, which we must publish 28 days before a Cabinet meeting.

Officer Decision Record

A record of the decisions taken by officers of the council.

Not all decisions are taken by the Cabinet or the Council. Officers have powers to take decisions in a number of areas.  Details of delegated powers can be found in our Constitution.

The Cabinet

The Cabinet is made up of 5 members, including the Leader of the Council

The Cabinet is responsible for the most important decisions affecting the Council. It also makes recommendations to the Council regarding the annual budget and major plans.

Scrutiny Committee

The scrutiny function of the Council scrutinises the Council’s decisions and performance. It also assists in research and policy review and development, mainly through the work of Scrutiny Review Panels.

Regulatory  Committees

The regulatory Committees of the Council include Audit and Standards, Licensing and Planning.  These Committees all meet regularly and have specific responsibilities as set out in the Constitution

Last updated 31 May 2023
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