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Chief Executive

Edd de Coverly

Edd de Coverly became the Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service at Melton Borough Council on 28th August 2017. Prior to this he was Director for Place and Communities at Ashfield District Council, where he had served in a number of roles since 2007.

Edd leads the Council’s team of officers who provide services and work to improve the quality of life for the communities of Melton. He works closely with Councillors, the Council’s Senior management team and partner agencies to ensure the Council understands local needs, plans for the future and delivers effective and efficient services to local people.

As well as being responsible for ensuring that public services are delivered in accordance with the policies and budgetary framework set by Councillors, Edd is keen to ensure that all colleagues at Melton are focussed on delivering excellent and responsive services to the people that live, work and visit the Borough.

Edd is also keen that the Council works closely with partner agencies, businesses and communities to improve prosperity and quality of life in Melton.

He is always keen to hear from you about how well we are delivering services or whether there is any more the Council can do to improve the local area. Follow Edd on Twitter @MeltonBC_CEO.

Last updated 3 April 2023
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