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Housing Strategy 2021-2026
Our Housing Strategy (2021-2026) was adopted by the Council in December 2021.
The housing strategy provides a strategic overview of local housing issues and sets out what both we and our partners will need to do to address them. It will help shape the housing services and policies, from our role as a local planning authority to how we manage our council housing.
It sets out our ambitions to deliver high quality homes for all, to meet the housing needs of our growing and aging population and provide the right types of housing in the right places to meet local people’s needs, including support for local people who want to own their own home.
The strategy also recognises how housing can help to support our broader goals around health and wellbeing, economic growth and prosperity and climate change.
Development of the Housing Strategy
To help develop the housing strategy a 6-week public consultation on a draft strategy was undertaken between 6th August and 15th September 2021. This involved a series of stakeholder interviews and a survey which was sent to over 500 groups, businesses and individuals.
The Draft Housing Strategy 2021 can be viewed and downloaded below.
The strategy was then finalised by considering and incorporating feedback provided during the consultation period, to ensure that it reflects local peoples and partners housing priorities. You can view the consultation feedback below.
We are committed to providing high quality services fairly and without discrimination to all members of the community. To make sure that equality considerations were considered from the outset we undertook an Equalities Impact Statement to help inform the development of the draft housing strategy, which can be downloaded below.
Next Steps
We will develop a Delivery Plan in 2022 to support the delivery of the housing strategy. This will set out a series of action that we will undertake to deliver its objectives. Once developed it will be published on this page and updated annually.