We are carrying out essential maintenance from 6pm tonight. This may affect some of our online systems such as My Account, online forms, accessing planning applications, the postcode search tool, and browsing committee meeting information. We apologies for the inconvenience and anticipate that systems should be back online by the morning. 

Corporate Strategy 2020-2024

The Corporate Strategy 2020-2024 sets out the Council's focus and aspirations until 2024.

Our strategy is designed to present a clear focus for the council during this time and is separated into six priority areas:

  1. Excellent services positively impacting on our communities
  2. Providing high quality council homes and landlord services
  3. Delivering sustainable and inclusive growth in Melton
  4. Protect our climate and enhance our natural environment 
  5. Ensuring the right conditions to support delivery (inward)
  6. Connected and led by our community (outward)

The strategy has been developed using a range of sources to ensure it is evidence based and responds to the issues facing both the council and the community. Further details of the resources and evidence we used to develop the strategy can be found below.

How did we develop the Corporate Strategy

Residents' Survey 2019

In June 2019, Melton Borough Council worked with Marketing Means Ltd. to undertake a Residents' Survey. A postal survey was sent out to a random sample of 5,000 households across the local authority area. Alongside this, an identical survey was conducted face-to-face, in-street with 18-34yr residents in Melton Mowbray, in recognition that the response from this age group in the postal survey was likely to be low. A total of 1,708 valid surveys were completed across the postal and face-to-face surveys, this figure being above our target response rate.

The purpose of the survey was to gauge satisfaction with Council services and the area where people live, as well as asking about preferred methods of communication from and with the Council. The results have been used to inform the development of our new Corporate Strategy 2020-2024. Specifically, allowing us to see where the community feel our priorities and focus should be.

Additionally, we will use these results as a way to measure our service improvement over the next four years, allowing us to analyse if the changes we make, with regard to the new Corporate Strategy, have been successful and had the desired impact.

From the results, we now have a greater understanding of how our community wishes to be engaged. Moving forward, we will ensure ‘preferred methods’ start to play a greater role in our communications. This will help us to promote democracy and community involvement in Council decision-making.

You can view our key findings in the download below.

Corporate Strategy 2020-2024 consultation

This consultation is now closed. The results were used to inform our new Corporate Strategy 2020-2024.

What were we consulting on? 

Melton Borough Council’s previous Corporate Strategy came to a close in 2019, therefore, the Council prepared a new Strategy for 2020-2024.

In the last 12-18 months of the previous period, we had a number of achievements;

  • Supported partners in attracting an initial £50m for the relief road, with an additional £14.7m recently secured for the southern section.  
  • Developed and adopted a Local Plan & Strategic Growth Plan
  • Invested £5m in the Cattle Market and had a Royal visit
  • Started two new major service contracts in waste & housing repairs to make improvements and save money
  • Focussed on Council house quality, including the refurbishment of Beckmill Court and Granby House
  • Invested in anti-social behaviour and environmental enforcement; in particular in our priority neighbourhoods.

To continue this success, we have developed a strategy which is a balance between affordability and ambition and a balance between investing in core services and in new initiatives. The Strategy aims to respond to the challenges facing the Council and the Borough over the next 4 years, whilst continuing to support investment and improvement in housing quality, regeneration, environmental enforcement and customer services.

The draft Strategy has been substantiated by a variety of sources and in particular, the recent 2019 Residents' Survey where more than 1,700 responses were received. These responses have helped to form the new Strategy to ensure that the Council’s priorities are the community’s priorities and that Melton Borough Council acts in a way that faces the real issues around Melton.

We gathered the community’s views regarding our new strategic priorities, our key investment decisions and the actions we propose to support these key investment decisions. In light of the ongoing financial challenges facing local government, the Council must also act more commercially and ensure it recovers reasonable costs in relation to the services it provides. Therefore, whilst some of the proposed actions may be contested, by generating additional income and closing the deficit, the Council will be in a position to invest resources in those areas that matter most to our residents.

Last updated 20 June 2024
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