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Car park season tickets

A season ticket permit can be used in the following long stay car parks:

  • Mill Street 
  • Burton Street (excluding annexe)
  • Scalford Road 

You can purchase a season ticket for the following time periods:

  • Annual ticket £450
  • 6 monthly ticket £250
  • Monthly ticket £50

When applying for a season ticket please enter up to 2 car registrations in the comment box that your permit will cover. Only the vehicle in use will be covered by the permit. Vehicles must be registered to the applicants address.

Please note that the application and payment for the permit needs to be made in advance of 5 working days, vehicles will not be covered for parking until the permit is displayed in the vehicle. 

If you wish to collect your permit from reception please make this comment on payment otherwise the permit will be posted out to you with an expiry date that will cover delivery time.

Terms and Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply and permit holders must observe the conditions of the car park.

  1. The permit is the property of Melton Borough Council to whom it should be returned when the vehicle is disposed of, or otherwise ceases to operate.  Permit holders may apply for a duplicate if the permit is lost, stolen, or accidentally defaced but charges could incur.  Any person found responsible for altering a permit is liable for prosecution.
  2. The permit must be clearly visible from the front nearside of the vehicle. It should be displayed in the protective holder provided when the vehicle is left in an appropriate parking space during permitted hours.
  3. A permit is valid until the expiry date shown.  Responsibility for applying for renewal of the permit rest with the holder and customer may renew their permits within 14 days of expiry date.
  4. The permit is valid in the following long stay car parks. Mill St, Burton St (excluding annexe) and Scalford Rd.
  5. The issue of the permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space nor does it render the issuer subject to any liability in respect of loss or damage to any vehicle in a parking space or the contents or fittings of any such vehicle.
  6. The permit has been issued subject to the conditions. If it appears that the vehicle has not been used in accordance with the conditions, the Council reserves the right to revoke the permit.
  7. Refunds on permits are not allowed.
  8. The permit holder may transfer the permit to a third party on condition that they notify Melton Borough Council in writing, confirming the full name and address of the proposed new permit holder, and the two car registration numbers that will be parked under the permit. Return the old permit to MBC.
  9. Upon receipt of the above Melton Borough Council will amend its details and please allow 5 working days for the change to be made.
Last updated 16 May 2023
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