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Other Gambling Premises Licences Applications
Application forms can be found on the gambling commission webpage
Vary premises licence application form and Template notice to vary premises licence should be completed where an existing holder of a premises licence under the Gambling Act 2005 wishes to vary the terms of the licence. The application attracts a fee and the applicant must follow the procedures for a new premises licence in relation to notifications and advertising.
An application form should be completed where an existing holder of a premises licence under the Gambling Act 2005 wishes to transfer the licence. The application attracts a fee and the applicant must follow the procedures for a new premises licence in relation to notifications but no advertising is required.
Premises licence reinstatement application form should be completed where the premises licence under the Gambling Act 2005 has lapsed where the licensee has died or has become incapable of carrying on the licensed activities or bankrupt. The application attracts a fee and the applicant must follow the procedures for a new premises licence in relation to notifications but no advertising is required.
A provisional statement application form should be completed where the premises are not built and at a later stage the applicant intends to apply for a Premises Licence. The person making the application must hold or be in the process of applying to the Gambling Commission for an Operator Licence.
The application form together with the fee must be submitted to the Council's Licensing Service. In addition the applicant must complete a notice of application for a provisional statement for responsible authorities form A or, for more than one applicant, Notice of application for a provisional statement for responsible authorities form B, and serve this on all of the responsible authorities. The applicant must also publish a notice in a local newspaper and display the notice at the proposed premises during the 28 day objection period.
A review application form should be completed.