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Non-commercial (small society) lottery registration

Societies, clubs and charities often raise funds by selling lottery tickets to the general public. If you sell tickets in advance of the draw (for example, in the days prior to the event) then you will need to have a non-commercial (small society) lottery registration. You do not need a registration where tickets are sold only at the event to attendees (for example, a tombola). More information on the types of lotteries, when you require a licence and how to run your lottery lawfully can be found on the gambling commission website (opens in a new tab).

To register as a non-commercial (small society) lottery in the Melton Borough area, please click the button below, complete the form and submit it to us. We will then process the application and issue a registration certificate for a year. 

Further guidance is available to download below.

Annual fee of non-commercial (small society) lottery

To keep your registration active for another year, you must send in your annual fee before the registration expires. You can now submit this fee via the button below. Once we have received your annual fee we will issue your registration for another year.  You must use a debit card to make payment to successfully submit this to us.

Please note that if you need to make payment using alternative methods such as cheque or bank transfer, you cannot apply use the button below and you must contact the Licensing Team to notify us to expect your payment quoting the name of the society and society lottery number. 

Change of promoter details

You must inform us if there has been a change in promoter. You can do this by clicking the button below.

Return by promoter

A promoter will need to submit a return to us within three months of the day on which the draw takes place. If you have not conducted any lotteries by the end of the year on your registration, you will need to submit a nil return to us. You can do this online via the button below.

Last updated 28 November 2024
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