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Gaming Machine Permits
To operate a gaming machine at a premises you may require a licence, permit or give notice to us.
Types of gaming machines
Below is a list of the types of gaming machines along with maximum payouts:
- Category A Machine: Unlimited
- Category B1 Machine: £4000
- Category B2 Machine: £500
- Category B3 Machine: £500
- Category B3A Machine: £500
- Category B4 Machine: £250
- Category C Machine: £35
- Category D Machine: £8 (£5 cash)
Premises such as public houses may only have category C and D machines. Members' clubs may have B3A, B4, C and D machines. Please note, permits issued under Section 34 of the Gaming Act 1968 in a premises such as chip shops, taxi offices, etc. cannot be renewed after it expires and these machines will no longer be allowed in such premises at the expiry of the current permit.
Gaming machine permits
If your premises offers very low-stakes and prize gambling or your premises' primary function is not the provision of gambling facilities you will need to apply or notify us for any of the following (a to d):
A premises mainly used for people to play on gaming machines, such as small arcades in holiday parks, theme parks and seaside resorts are required to hold a Family Entertainment Centre gaming machine permit.
Unlicensed Family Entertainment Centres provide category D machines for use by families and unaccompanied children.
These permits will be in effect for 10 years and will need to be renewed, with no annual fee to be paid. Please complete application form 9 - Unlicenced Family Entertainment Centre Gaming Machine Permit - application and submit to
The fee can be paid using our online payment system; by telephone to Customer Services; or by cheque made payable to Melton Borough Council.
If you wish to make Category C machines available, in addition to category D machines, then you will need to apply for an Operating Licence from the Gambling Commission and then Apply for a new gambling premises licence from us.
This applies to premises with a Licensing Act 2003 licence to sell alcohol on the premises. There is no limit on the number of machines, but applicants must specify the number they are applying for. Permits do not expire unless the holder of the Licensing Act 2003 Premises Licence changes.
Two machines or fewer:
An alcohol licensed premises has an automatic entitlement of up to two category C or D machines without requiring a permit. Any premises wishing to take up this entitlement must complete form 5 - Gaming Machines - notification of 2 or fewer and gaming machine permit application. There is a one off fee of £50 and this notification remains in place unless a premises licence is transferred, then the new Premises Licence Holder will need to notify us and pay the fee again.
Three or more machines:
In the case of licensed premises wanting to install more than two category C or D machines, the person or organisation holding the licence must apply for an Alcohol Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit by completing form 5 - Gaming Machines - notification of 2 or fewer and gaming machine permit application.
If this permit is granted it will replace, and not be an addition to, the automatic entitlement of up to two machines. New applications cost £200 and there is an annual charge of £50. To transfer to a new licence holder costs £100.
You will need to hold a Club Premises Certificate under the Licensing Act 2003 when considering setting up a club who wish to offer gaming or gaming machines to members of that club. There are two kinds of club permit that can be issued under the Gambling Act 2005:
Club Gaming Permit
Club gaming permits may be granted to members’ clubs and miners’ welfare institutes (but not commercial clubs), to authorise the use of up to three category B3A, B4, C or D gaming machines (three machines in total), as well as equal chance gaming and games of chance as prescribed in the regulations. The permit will have effect for 10 years and maybe renewed, with an annual fee of £50.
Club Machine Permit
A Club Machine Permit is for clubs who do not wish to have a Club Gaming Permit but only wish to provide the use of up to three Category B4 C or D gaming machines. Commercial clubs who are not permitted to provide non-machine gaming may also apply for a Club Machine Permit. This permit authorises the use of up to three category B4, C or D gaming machines (three machines in total). The permit will have effect for 10 years and may then be renewed. There is an annual fee of £50.
To apply for either permit, you will need to complete form 7 - Club gaming permit or club machine permit - new and renewal - application form along with payment. Guidance document 8 - Club gaming permit or club machine permit - renewal - guidance may help you with completing the form.
You should have regard to the Code of Practice issued by the Gambling Commission. The Code of Practice makes reference to conditions for the location and operation of machines and also best practice for self-exclusion and for access to gambling by children and young persons.
Prize gaming is a low stake, prize gambling where the size of the prize on offer is not determined by:
- the number of people playing
- the amount paid for or raised by the gambling
The prize can be a cash or non-cash prize. You may not apply for prize gaming permits if you already hold a premises licence under the Gambling Act or hold any club gaming permits. Prize gaming permits do not grant the use of gaming machines. The permit will be in effect for 10 years. There is no annual fee to be paid. Please complete form 6 - Prize gaming permit - application form and submit this to Licensing.
Various forms of prize gaming are permitted as part of many of the other permits and premises licences issued under the Gambling Act 2005. The following premises are authorised by the Act to offer prize gaming, subject to certain conditions, and do not require a separate Prize Gaming Permit:
- Holders of Adult Gaming Centre Premises Licences
- Holders of Family Entertainment Centre Premises Licences
- Holders of Family Entertainment Centre Gaming Machine Permits
- Travelling Fairs
- Bingo Halls
How to submit forms and pay any fees
Please submit forms to or by post to Melton Borough Council, FAO Licensing Department.
Fees can be paid using our online payment system; by telephone to Customer Services; or by cheque made payable to Melton Borough Council.