Taxi vehicle and driver licensing

There are two types of taxis vehicles that are licensed by us, hackney carriage and private hire.

Hackney carriages

These are vehicles that can pick up passengers in the street but are limited to charging what is on the meter. They can also take private hire bookings over the telephone.

They require:

  • a licensed vehicle with a working meter
  • a licensed driver

Private hire vehicles

These are vehicles that can only pick up pre-booked fares.  They cannot ply for trade or sit on taxi ranks and must keep booking records. 

They require:

  • a licensed vehicle
  • a licensed driver
  • an operator’s licence

Types of Licences

Vehicle licence

To apply for a taxi licence for your vehicle, you will need to complete the online taxi vehicle licence application form, in the forms section below. You will be directed to payment automatically.

You will need to provide:

  • The vehicle registration certificate (V5 Logbook)
  • A valid motor insurance certificate (covering for hire & reward)
  • A completed taxi test inspection form from an approved garage 
  • For new hackney carriages only: a valid calibration certificate from N&J Pitt Taximeter Services, Nottingham
Vehicle licences run for one year. If you apply for a private hire vehicle licence you will also need a private hire operator licence. Please refer to private hire operator licence tab for further information.


  • Vehicles over the age of 10 years cannot be licensed, except for fully wheelchair accessible vehicles and special vehicles (see policy available to download below).
  • All vehicles on first registration must be less than 6 years old on the date of the application for the licence. 
  • Vehicles over the age of 8 years must undergo and pass two vehicle tests per year, at six-monthly intervals.
  • The maximum number of passengers is 8. You must consider whether your vehicle can comfortably carry the number you request and luggage, and be able to justify this.
  • All private hire vehicles issued with two door stickers for the vehicle. These stickers indicate that the vehicle can only be pre-booked and cannot be hailed in the street
  • This is not a full list of exclusions and conditions. You must check our Policy for the latest requirements.

Existing licensed vehicles

Notify us of vehicle damage or collision

Taxi drivers must notify us of any damage to their licensed vehicle and inform us if their vehicle has been involved in a collision or incident within 72 hours of the incident. Please use the online form below.

Private Hire Operator licence

If you wish to apply to be a private hire operator, you will have to show that you are "Fit and Proper" to hold this licence, as specified in the statutory and best practice guidance (see external links below)

You will then need to

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver's Licence

Knowledge test

Before applying for a combined hackney carriage and private hire drivers licence with us, you will need to pass a local knowledge test. We have produced some revision notes for this test which you can download below. This test is made up of three parts:

  1. Part one tests your knowledge of the legislation and our taxi licensing policy
  2. Part two tests your knowledge of the town streets and nearby transport links
  3. Part three is a test of your knowledge of the Highway Code.

There is a fee of £10 for each attempt, you can have up to three attempts in a year. You can pay for a test using our online knowledge test payment form

Once we have received your payment, you will be contacted by the Licensing Team to arrange a face to face appointment at the council offices to take the test. 
Once you have passed the test you will be invited to apply for your licence.

Applying for your licence

We issue a three year combined hackney carriage and private hire drivers licence which allows a driver to drive either a hackney carriage or a private hire vehicle which is registered with Melton Borough Council. One or two year licences are available under certain circumstances. Please contact Licensing Team for further information on this. 
To apply for a licence, you will need to submit to us:

Notify us of changes 

You must notify us in writing within 10 working days of a change of name or address (online form below).

You must notify us within 48 hours of an arrest and release, charge or conviction of any sexual offence, any offence involving dishonesty or violence and any motoring offence (online form below).

Right to work in the UK

This applies to hackney carriage/private hire drivers and private hire operators for both new and renewal applications. Your right to work in the UK must be checked as part of your licence application. This could include checking your immigration status/sharing information with the Home Office. You must share your immigration status using the Home Office online checking service (opens in a new tab)

Where this check has been carried out, the profile page confirming your right to work will be saved.

Where a manual check is carried out using original documents from list A or B group 1 and 2 (opens in a new tab), for example UK passport, the documents will be copied.
In both cases, the copies will be retained by us and kept in accordance with our licensing privacy notice. Any original documents will be returned to you.
We will not need to repeat the check when you apply to renew or extend your licence, provided we have a copy of the documents that were originally checked, and the documents were not for a time limited period. 

You will be invited to bring your original documents and any check codes to a face-to-face appointment. We will check:

  • photographs and dates of birth across documents and your appearance are the same.
  • expiry dates for permission to be in the UK have not passed.
  • any work restrictions that would stop you from holding a licence.
  • that documents are genuine, have not been tampered with and belong to you.
  • reasons for any difference in names across documents. For example, original marriage certificate, divorce decree absolute, deed poll.

Where there are restrictions on your right to work in the UK, a licence will only be issued (subject to statutory limitations) up to the expiry date of the permission to work. We will then check the immigration status each time an application is made. In this circumstance, a check will be repeated each time you apply to renew or extend your licence.  If, during this period, you are disqualified from holding a licence because you have not complied with the UK’s immigration laws, your licence will lapse, and you must return it to us. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.
Your application will not be considered valid until all the necessary information and any original documents have been produced.

NR3S - Important information for New and Existing Drivers

We are required to provide information to the National Register of Taxi Licence Refusals, Revocations and Suspensions (NR3S), a mechanism for licensing authorities to share details of individuals who have had a hackney carriage or private hire driver licence revoked, or an application for one refused.
This is necessary so we, as the licensing authority, can thoroughly assess whether an individual is a fit and proper person to hold a Combined Hackney and Private Hire Driver licence. Therefore, where a combined Hackney and Private Hire Driver licence is revoked, or an application for one refused, we will automatically record this decision on NR3S. All applications for a new licence or licence renewal will automatically be checked on NR3S. If a search of NR3S indicates a match with an applicant, we will seek further information about the entry on the register from the authority who recorded it.
Any information received because of an NR3S search will only be used in respect of the specific licence application and will not be retained beyond the determination of that application.

The information recorded on NR3S itself will be limited to:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • address and contact details
  • national insurance number
  • driving licence number
  • decision taken
  • date of decision
  • date decision effective

Information will be retained on NR3S for a period of 11 years. This is a mandatory part of applying for or being granted a Combined Hackney and Private Hire Driver licence.
Information will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Any searches, provision, or receipt of information of or under NR3S are necessary to our statutory licensing functions of ensuring that all drivers are fit and proper to hold the applicable licence. It is not intended that any NR3S data will be transferred out of the United Kingdom.

Please see our licensing privacy notice for more information on how we process your data. If you wish to raise any issue related to the data protection legislation, you can do so to our Data Protection Officer.


Fees and charges

The fees are available below. You cannot pay on collection of your licence. Please be careful to pay the correct fee as over payments will be refunded minus the admin fee of £33. 

Please note one or two year hackney carriage and private hire drivers licences are available under certain circumstances. Please contact licensing for further information on this or if you are unsure on what fee to pay.

There is no application fee for a fully wheelchair accessible vehicle and there is a 25% reduction of fee for vehicles which are fuelled by LPG, petrol/+electric or compressed natural gas.

New applications Cost
Hackney carriage/private hire driver's licence (3 years) £331
Hackney carriage/private hire driver's licence (2 years) £229
Hackney carriage/private hire driver's licence (1 year)  £125
Hackney carriage/private hire vehicle licence (1 year) £108
Private hire operators licence (5 years) £879


Renewal applications Cost
Hackney carriage/private hire driver's licence (3 years) £297
Hackney carriage/private hire driver's licence (2 years) £208
Hackney carriage/private hire driver's licence (1 year) £109
Hackney carriage/private hire vehicle licence (1 year) £98
Private hire operators licence (5 years) £760


Miscellaneous Cost
Driver knowledge test £10
Replacement private hire door signs £18
Private hire door signs (magnetic) £23
Additional Trailer Plate £18
Replacement badge £15.60
Replacement paper licence £7.30
Replacement internal plate/sticker £15.60
Replacement external plate £23


Other Cost
Disclosure and Barring Service Check and DVLA Check At cost to TaxiPlus


There are also the following additional charges to be aware of: 

  • Medical certificate (your doctor will charge you directly for this)
  • Disability discrimination awareness training
  • Child sexual exploitation awareness training

Report a taxi issue

Report any issues to us regarding a driver or vehicle.


You can apply online by filling out the correct form below. If there is a fee to pay, you will be directed to payment automatically. Please note that you must make payment by debit card.

If you need to make payment using alternative methods such as cheque or bank transfer, you cannot apply using the online form and you must contact the Licensing Team for paper form.  

If sending photos of documents through a smartphone, you can reduce the size of photos before uploading them. Please check that the document can still be read clearly. Contact the Licensing Team if you have any questions.

To complete and download a copy of the following, please see the Downloads panel below:

  • Taxi driver licence application
  • Medical certificate for GMC registered doctor
  • Statutory declaration form

Public registers

The following public registers are available to download from the Downloads panel below:

  • Register of drivers
  • Register of hackney carriage vehicles
  • Register of private hire vehicles
  • Register of private hire operators

Contact details

Licensing Team: 

Last updated 12 February 2025
Do you need to get in touch with us? Use our contact form.