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Apply for a dangerous, exotic, or wild animal licence

The keeping of certain species of wild animals is controlled by the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976. You must obtain a licence from us if you wish to keep one of the animals on the list.

How to apply

Please complete the application form in the download panel and submit this to us with your payment of the fee. For a list of charges, please see our Animal licensing fees page. You can pay the licence fee either by cheque, payable to Melton Borough Council or using our online payment system.

Applications will also require a vet's inspection which is also payable by you (billed separately).

The licence will run from January until December and will need to be renewed every two years. Renewals must be applied for before the licence expires.


This licensing process does not apply to dangerous animals kept in:

  • a zoological garden
  • a circus
  • pet shops
  • places registered under the Cruelty to Animals Act 1876 for the purpose of performing experiments
Last updated 28 November 2024
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