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Premises licence, club certificate and community premises

Premises licences are for places that intend to sell alcohol, have regulated entertainment, or sell food and drink late night on a regular basis, especially where temporary event notices are not suitable. 

Club premises certificates are for registered clubs that intend to sell alcohol to their members, have regulated entertainment, or sell food and drink late night on a regular basis. To qualify as a club, there must be a minimum of 25 members and there must be an interval of at least two days between a member signing up and their admission. The club must be "established and conducted in good faith".

Both the premises licence and club premises certificate have a similar application process (see "how to apply" for details) and incur an application fee and an annual fee

Public Register

The Licensing Act Public Register is available to download from the panel below, please contact to view the personal licence register

How to apply

To apply, please complete and return the following:

  • Premises licence application form for premises licence or club premises certificate declaration and application form for club premises
  • If you are selling alcohol, a completed designated premises supervisor (DPS) consent form (you do not need this for club licence applications)
  • A plan of the premises (scale 1:100)
  • Payment of the relevant fee
  • For club licences, a copy of the club rules
  • A copy of your blue notice (available to download below). You must arrange for the notice to appear in the local newspaper within the first 10 working days of the consultation period (cost approximately £400, please note, we have no control over the fee charged).

The application will not be considered to be served until each of the necessary forms have been fully completed and received by the Licensing Team. The first clear day, following the submission of all of the above, is classed as day 1 of the 28-day consultation period. For example, if documents are received on a Monday, day 1 would be a Tuesday. Once the 28-day consultation period has passed, we will either grant the licence if no representations have been made or convene a hearing of the Licensing Committee, to which you would be invited, to decide the application.

You will also need to:

  • Send a copy of the application to the responsible authorities. See "contact details for the responsible authorities".
  • Immediately place a blue notice on your premises and put a copy of that notice in the local newspaper. This must appear in the newspaper within the first 10 clear working days after the application has been submitted, so please check with the newspaper about their publication cut off dates (where possible, we may be able to briefly check your application and blue notice prior to submission).

Please note that there is new legislation currently in draft form called the Terrorism (Protection of premises) Bill also known as Martyn's Law requiring certain venues to plan and mitigate risk of terrorism for public safety.  

Existing premises licences - change of name or address

If the premises licence holder or Designated Premises Supervisor has changed their name or address, you will need to complete either change of licence holder's name and/or address or change of name and/or address of DPS on a premises licence, respectively. This incurs a fee of £10.50. Please contact for a form.

Community premises and disapply DPS

If you are a community group, you can apply to remove the mandatory condition to require a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) on a premises licence. You can do this by completing the form, if there is an existing premises licence, the statutory fee to pay is £23. There is no fee if you submit the form as part of a new premises licence or variation of a premises licence.

You will need to provide details of: 

  • how the premises is managed
  • committed structure, for example, copy of the minutes of the latest committee meeting
  • how you will ensure the supervision of or responsibility for alcohol sales in different situations. For example, when the premises is let for private parties.

To support your application we recommend you provide:

  • any written constitution
  • any other relevant documents that show the structure, contact details and relationship of its key officers
  • any relevant hire agreements for the use and hire of the premises by third parties

You must send a copy of your application to the police (including copies of any accompanying documents). 

There is a 28-day consultation period, only the police can object. If we receive no objections within this period, we will grant or amend your licence on the following day. If we need to hold a hearing this will take place within 20 working days (after the last date for objections). We will give you at least 10 working days' notice of the date of the hearing. If we refuse the application, we will tell you of our decision in writing, together with the reasons for refusal and your rights of appeal.

Contact details for the responsible authorities

When applying for a new premises licence or a full variation, you must provide full copies of your application form to the following authorities

Responsible Authority Number of copies Postal address Email address
The Licensing Authority Two

The Licensing Officer
Melton Borough Council
Parkside, Station Approach
Burton Street
Melton Mowbray
Leicestershire, LE13 1GH 
 Fire Service


The Chief Fire Officer
Risk Management
Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service
12 Geoff Monk Way
Leicestershire, LE4 3BU 
Police, and protection of children from harm


The Chief Officer of Police
The Licensing Section
Mansfield House
74 Belgrave Gate
Leicester, LE1 3GG
Trading Standards One

Trading Standards
Business Services
County Hall
Leicestershire, LE3 8RN
Planning One

Planning Department
Melton Borough Council
Parkside, Station Approach
Burton Street
Melton Mowbray
Leicestershire, LE13 1GH
Public Health One

Licensing Applications
Public Health Directorate
Leicestershire County Council
County Hall, Glenfield
Leicestershire, LE3 8RA
Health and Safety, and Environmental Health  One

Environmental Health
Melton Borough Council
Parkside, Station Approach
Burton Street
Melton Mowbray
Leicestershire, LE13 1GH
Home Office One

Alcohol Licensing Team
Lunar House
40 Wellesley Road
The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill

The Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill also known as Martyn's Law is new legislation requiring certain venues to plan and mitigate risk of terrorism for public safety. This legislation is currently in draft form and is available to read on the website.  

Current licensing applications

You can view a list of current applications on our current licensing applications page.

Last updated 13 November 2024
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