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Domestic Abuse - Advice and Assistance
Melton Borough Council are currently working with Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance(DAHA) to improve our response to domestic abuse for our residents.
We work with our partners to offer support for victims and survivors and can also offer support for perpetrators of domestic abuse. All cases are confidential but we have to gain assistance from experts to ensure you receive the best level of support available.
If you are experiencing any kind of abuse from a relative, partner, ex-partner or roommate, you can seek confidential help and advice.
- Physical abuse: such as hitting, grabbing, rough handling, spitting, total control over your movements and daily routine
- Sexual abuse: this may be forcing you into sex, or any other sex related acts without your consent
- Violent or threatening behaviour: such as intentionally putting a person in fear of physical or mental harm, injury or material loss
- controlling behaviour: this could include a range of acts designed to make a person subordinate and/or dependent by isolating them from sources of support, exploiting their resources and capacities for personal gain, depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape and regulating their everyday behaviour
- coercive behaviour: for example acts or a pattern of acts of assault, threats, humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm, punish, or frighten a person
- economic/financial abuse
- Emotional, mental and psychological: this can include threatening words or behaviour which causes you to feel depressed, scared and affects your quality of life
- Harassment/stalking: this could include stalking over the phone or physically stalking you by following you or turning up to places where are
ou can report Domestic Abuse to the Police
Emergency: call 999
Non-emergency: call 101
FreeVA Support – Free from Violence & Abuse run the helpline where they can refer you to the most appropriate support if you need it.
If the line is busy you can leave a message for someone to call you back. Give details of when it might be safe to call you.
If you need to, give a code word for how the responder can know that it is safe for you to talk.
Text support: 07715 994 962 (For text only, calls to this number are not answered).
Children, young people and families, who have experienced domestic abuse, can attend confidential courses to help them improve their wellbeing and lifestyle.
The Children and Family Wellbeing Service (CFWS) offer various groups to suit different ages and situations. They aim to educate, advise and encourage you to share your story and build your confidence.
Each group has its own eligibility criteria and depends on whether domestic abuse is a current or a past experience.
The different courses can be accessed via Support for families with domestic abuse | Leicestershire County Council.
Find out about your legal rights relating to domestic and sexual violence on the Women's Aid website
Across Leicestershire there are a number of services for victims and perpetrators of Domestic Abuse and also support services for children in affected families.
For children: Women's Aid Leicestershire offer Support for Children
Support for perpetrators: Homepage - RISE Mutual CIC
UK Government - Domestic abuse: get help during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak guidance
Free from Violence and Abuse (FREEVA) - 0808 802 0028 - A Leicester based charity specialising in supporting people affected by sexual/domestic violence.
Direct Gov - directory for different kinds of abuse with appropriate advice/support links
Living Without Abuse (LWA) - 0300 365 0112 - support and advice for those suffering under abuse
NAPAC - 0808 801 0331 - supporting adults who suffered any type of abuse in childhood
NSPCC - 0808 800 5000 (adults worried about children) & 0800 1111 (under 18s helpline) - advice and support for adults who are worried about potential child abuse, and a helpline for children suffering abuse
RESPECT - 0808 802 4040 - an anonymous helpline for those concerned about their use of violence and/or abuse towards a partner/ex-partner
Clare's Law: Domestic violence disclosure scheme (DVDS) - This scheme gives any member of the public the right to ask the police if their partner may pose a risk to them. It is often called ‘Clare’s Law’ after the landmark case that led to it.
This scheme also allows a member of the public to make an enquiry into the partner of a close friend or family member.