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Community Grants
We have up to £153,600 set aside from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to be used for Community Grants within this financial year.
Applications closed on 16 August 2024.
Who can apply?
To be eligible to apply for a grant through this scheme applicants must be charities, community interest companies, social enterprises, local authorities, parish councils and constituted community and voluntary groups.
Applications from private sector companies will also be considered, where the project can show a considerable community benefit.
The organisation or project must carry out community focused activities which benefit the Borough of Melton.
The funding cannot support projects that have received funding from the following Defra schemes:
- the farming in protected landscapes programme
- the farming investment fund
- the platinum jubilee hall improvement grant fund
What can be applied for?
Funding must be for community purposes; applications can include capital and revenue projects or projects that require both.
The Council is focusing on the following priorities through this grant fund.
- Grant funding for creation and improvements to local rural green spaces
- Grant funding for impactful volunteering and social action projects to develop social and human capital in local places
Applications will need to show how they can achieve one or more of the outputs shown below:
- Improved perception of facility or infrastructure project,
- Improved perception of facilities or amenities,
- Improved perceived or experienced accessibility,
- Increased footfall,
- Increased visitor numbers,
- Improved engagement numbers,
- Improved perception of local facilities or amenities,
- Increase in volunteering numbers as a result of support
Please refer to the Guidance Notes in the download panel below for the types of projects eligible.
If you have a great idea for a community project but are unsure if it is eligible, please contact
How much can be applied for?
The total funding available is £153,600.
There is no minimum grant amount for this scheme.
The maximum grant available for each project is £20,000. In exceptional circumstances, a higher grant award may be considered, at the discretion of the grant approval panel.
Consideration will be given to value for money in the assessment process.
Applications closed on 16 August 2024.