Work and Skills Project

The Work and Skills Project has been developed in response to the great success of Melton Borough Council’s Community Support Hub. It facilitates connections and aids job seekers and companies around the borough to expand their workforce.  

The project, supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), helps employers find suitable workers whilst also improving employability and job access for Melton Mowbray residents who are seeking employment and upskilling opportunities.

How can the project help? 

The Work and skills project is in place to help residents overcome any obstacles experienced relating to transitioning into employment and enhance skillset. All support received is tailored to specific needs and aspirations. Whether this is with CV development, interview preparation, or building the confidence to land the ideal job, the project is ready to support you. 

In Melton Mowbray, there is a wide range of courses available for adults seeking to enhance their skills. Whether you're returning to education for the first time, looking to retrain in a new vocational field, or pursuing to enhance your current qualifications, there are opportunities available. The Work and Skills project can help you find the right course, and ensure you receive the appropriate support. 


Case Studies

These case studies highlight the successes of the project, but remain anonymous for the service users.

Case study 1

A attended Phoenix House through their referral to Turning Point. A had been managing their alcohol consumption with the help of Turning Point and has now reduced this drastically and maintains their sobriety.

A needed support finding work but also had plans to begin a HGV Level 1 course which would qualify them to have the job they always wanted. A attended bi-weekly appointments, and was already quite confident applying for jobs and so we focused on refreshing their CV and cover letter. We researched different sectors and areas where A could work alongside their course which was due to start in September.

After a couple of weeks, the project put A in touch with a warehouse in Melton Mowbray who offer a variety of jobs but the difference with this employer is they offer delivery work as well. A applied for the job, interviewed for the job and was successful. A carries out general warehouse tasks but most of their time at work involves delivering and transporting goods which they enjoy. There is also an opportunity within this employment once A has completed their HGV course to focus solely on transporting goods which would be ideal for A. 

A now has monthly phone appointments with the service to keep in touch for the first few months of their role which also supported A through the HGV course. A has since passed their HGV course and is now in search for an HGV Level 1 job whilst also liaising with their current employer discussing how their current role can be altered due to A successfully completing the HGV course.  

Case study 2

B came to Phoenix House via the Digi-Clinic, this is coordinated and ran by the Community Support Hub every Wednesday. The purpose of this drop-in session is to support residents digitally, this can be support such as applying for benefits or completing a Housing Application.

B had been working in their previous job for 10 years, but the employer had gone into administration and so they needed help finding work. After many appointments, we eventually created a CV and portfolio which helped in applying for jobs. B has anxiety and so appointments were tailored at a pace to suit B.

Once B had an up-to-date CV, the project assisted with interview skills and techniques, along with applying for jobs online, through doing this, B’s confidence improved vastly.

B went on to successfully completing a professional beauty course which is something B always wanted to do and passed with gold stars.

B has also been successful in finding full-time employment alongside their freelance beauty work. B is shining bright and their support is gradually reducing over time, as their confidence increases and need for the support reduces.

Funded by UK Government
Last updated 11 March 2025
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