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Home adaptations for council tenants
If you are one of our tenants and have a disability or health related problems which affects your ability to live in your home you may be able to apply for home adaptations.
In Leicestershire, the Lightbulb partnership now undertakes this work. They work with Leicestershire County Council Occupational Therapists who carry out assessments to see where an adaption might help.
If you are not a council tenant but feel you may benefit from a home adaptation you can apply for a disabled facilities grant.
How to apply
If you feel that this is something you need, you can contact Leicestershire County Council Adult Social Care Service centre, by phone or online at their website, to request an assessment to be completed.
Phone: 0116 305 0004
The process
Once you have contacted Leicestershire County Council, your needs will be assessed by a member of the Lightbulb Team.
A recommendation will then be made to us depending on what aids or adaptations you may need to help you on a day-to-day basis.
Find out more
More information about equipment, home adaptation and assistive technology can be found on the Leicestershire County Council website.