
If there is an immediate risk to life, please call the emergency services on 999 

Councils, emergency services and the NHS work together to help people prepare for flooding and to stay safe.

It is also important residents and businesses take all possible steps to prepare and protect their properties if flood warnings are issued.

We advise you:

Advice if you witness flooding

Flooding from sewers

Contact Severn Trent Water online, see link at bottom of page or call 0800 783 4444. To assist them please have your postcode ready and record the incident number given to you. This may enable you to track your enquiry.

Flooding on roads

Contact Leicestershire County Council Highways online using the link at the bottom of the page or phone 0116 305 0001. The problem may be drainage-related or influenced by the capacity of Severn Trent Water Limited’s sewers serving the highway drains.

Flooding from main rivers

Contact the Environment Agency's Floodline on 0345 988 1188. Warnings of flooding from main rivers can be provided by email or text message by registering with the Environment Agency on 0845 988 1188.

Flooding from ordinary rivers or streams

It is the riparian owner's (for example the landowner's) responsibility to make sure that a watercourse is not obstructed. If you live on the edge of any watercourse you have a responsibility to ensure that it does not become obstructed. 

Report a flood 

Leicestershire County Council is the Lead Flood Authority and is interested in recording all reports of flooding in order to identify any patterns emerging.

Report flooding issues to Leicestershire County Council online, see link at bottom of page or call 0116 305 0001. 


Is your home at risk of flooding?

Find out if you are at risk of flooding before a flood happens. Check the risk for your area or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.

If you are in an at risk area, sign up for flood warning messages from the Environment Agency flood warning service on the Flood Warning Information website.

Protecting your home from flooding 

It is your responsibility to protect your home in the first instance. 

If you think that your home is at risk of flooding you need to protect your home with suitable flood defence products.

The National Flood Forum, linked at the bottom of the page, is a charity set up to support those affected by flooding. They have a list of available flood protection products on their blue pages.

In an emergency sandbags can be purchased from DIY outlets ready to use in case of a flood. Remember though, sandbags are only a short term fix and may not be appropriate or effective in some flood risk circumstances.

Advice on cleaning up after a flood

Floods can cause damage to your property and leave dangerous mess and debris in or around your home. If you have experience flooding follow this advice to make sure you are safe when clearing up the area:

  • Don't enter your house until all flood water has been removed. Leicestershire Fire and Rescue may be able to help you with pumping flood water out of your house. If other people are affected you may need to wait a little for this help
  • If nearby traffic is causing further flooding to your property by creating waves, contact Leicestershire Police on 101
  • If flooding is being caused by a public sewer contact your water supplier (Severn Trent Water 0800 783 4444 or Anglian Water 0800 771881 depending on where you live)
  • If flooding is being caused by a blocked road gully you can report it to Leicestershire County Council via their online Report It form. Please remember that gullies may appear to be blocked, but are actually not draining due to remaining high water levels in the watercourses they drain to
  • It’s very important to wear rubber gloves to move objects or clean surfaces that have been in contact with flood water, as the water will have been contaminated with sewage and other pollution
  • Speak to your insurer. Take photos of your property for your insurers and don't dispose of damaged goods until insurers have said whether they want to inspect them
  • Get a qualified plumber and electrician to reconnect appliances
  • Don't use electrical equipment that has been exposed to flood water until checked by a qualified electrician
  • Make sure floorboards or damaged tiled floors are fully repaired as flood water may cause sharp edges of tiles or raised nails in the floorboards
  • Look after yourself. Flooding can cause a number of health problems. The UK government and Severn Trent also have some advice on how you can get it cleaned up safely, what you can do and how they can help.
Find out more



Sandbag policy

We keep a limited number of sandbags, which can be used to protect:

  • Life and important buildings such as hospitals and substations

  • The elderly, disabled and vulnerable people

  • Access for emergency vehicles

In an emergency situation we may be able to deliver sandbags depending upon the individual circumstances and subject to available resources, but this cannot be guaranteed.

It is also difficult to transport them when floods occur if roads are closed and we also only have a limited number of vehicles to transport them.

If you believe your property is at imminent risk of being flooded and want to request sandbags, please call 01664 502 502.

If your call is an emergency, outside of our office hours, please call 01664 502 502 but select option 1 to speak to our emergency contact centre . If lines are busy there will be an option to leave a message, which will be followed up. There are arrangements in place for calls requiring escalation or urgent attention.  

More flood advice is available on the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland Local Resilience Forum website, linked at the bottom of the page.

Last updated 11 March 2025
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