Air Quality

Welcome to the Melton Borough Council Air Quality webpage. Here you can learn about our initiatives, partnerships, and how you can contribute to improving air quality across the borough.

Our Commitment to Clean Air

Melton Borough Council is dedicated to creating a healthier environment for residents and visitors by focusing on key air quality priorities, including:

  1. Reducing Traffic Emissions
    • Melton Mowbray Distributor Road: Securing funding and progressing construction to reduce congestion.
    • Active Travel Promotion: Enhancing infrastructure for walking, cycling, and public transport.
    • Low-Emission Vehicles: Expanding EV charging points and encouraging the use of electric and low-emission vehicles.
  2. Monitoring and Managing Air Quality
    • Ongoing Monitoring: Using diffusion tubes and other equipment to track pollutants such as NO₂.
    • Data-Driven Decisions: Leveraging data to address hotspots and improve air quality.
  3. Supporting Cleaner Industries
    • Compliance and Innovation: Ensuring businesses adopt cleaner technologies and sustainable practices.
  4. Public Engagement and Education
    • Awareness Campaigns: Encouraging residents to reduce car use, avoid solid fuels, and support local initiatives.
    • Community Involvement: Hosting workshops and consultations to gather input and ideas.
  5. Urban Greening and Natural Environments
    • Increasing green spaces and tree planting to filter pollutants and enhance local biodiversity.
  6. Integrating Air Quality into Policy
    • Ensuring new developments consider air quality impacts and promote sustainable practices.
  7. Climate Change Mitigation
    • Linking air quality improvements with reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Air Quality Annual Status Reports (ASRs)

Our latest Air Quality Annual Status Report details efforts, achievements, and ongoing actions to maintain compliance with national air quality standards.

Recent Trends in Air Quality

Melton Mowbray has seen encouraging reductions in nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) levels due to:

  • Pandemic-related traffic reductions.
  • Increased adoption of cycling and walking.
  • Cleaner vehicle technologies and national air quality strategies.

How You Can Help

Everyone in Melton can contribute to cleaner air:

  • Walk, cycle, or use public transport whenever possible.
  • Adopt energy-efficient practices at home.
  • Support tree-planting initiatives and local green projects.

Our Team

The Air Quality initiatives are overseen by the Environmental Health Team with support from:

  • Craig Howat, Environmental Health Officer.
  • Jorge Alonso, Senior Planning Policy Officer.
  • Sarah Legge, Planning Officer.
  • Mark Felts, GIS Technician.

Together, we can ensure Melton Borough remains a vibrant and healthy place to live and work.

For further information, download our Air Quality Annual Status Reports or contact the Environmental Health Team.

Last updated 24 December 2024
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