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Anti-social behaviour

What is Anti-social behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) means acting in a way that causes or is likely to cause alarm or distress to one or more people in another household. For the behaviour to be classed as anti-social, it must be persistent.

We work closely with the Police to tackle anti-social behaviour in the borough and our Housing Officers work to support our tenants or their neighbours when they have disputes.

What is considered anti-social behaviour?

Antisocial behaviour is an action or behaviour:

  • that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person
  • that is capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to an occupier of a neighbouring property
  • that is capable of causing housing-related nuisance or annoyance to any person

This could be:

  • Harassment: including intimidating behaviour, abusive language, violence or the threat of violence to another person.
  • Nuisance behaviour: including loud music, untidy gardens, constant and excessive dog barking or drug misuse. 
  • Yobbish behaviour: including graffiti/vandalism, verbal abuse, physical abuse, riding motorbikes on public footpaths.
  • Vehicle nuisance: including excessive noise, excessive vehicle repairs and maintenance carried out in gardens.
  • Environmental issues: including fly-tipping, storing rubbish in gardens, dog fouling.
  • Nosie Nuisance: visit our noise nuisance page to find out more.
What is not considered anti-social behaviour?

We take complaints of antisocial behaviour (ASB) very seriously and encourage you to report any issues to us. However, not every dispute will be an anti-social matter. We may not be able to investigate matters including:

  • Lifestyle differences
  • Neighbour disputes where there is no substantial evidence
  • Day to day living sounds from neighbouring properties, such as;
    • Footsteps
    • Doors closing
    • Chair scrapes
    • Dropped items
    • Vacuuming
    • Washing machines
    • Toilet flushing
    • Children playing in, or near, their home
  • Children falling out with each other
  • DIY during reasonable hours
  • Putting rubbish out on the wrong day
  • Parking unless blocking access, causing damage or posing a safety issue
Being a considerate neighbour/tenant

Six top tips to being a considerate neighbour/tenant:

  • DIY: You may be an early riser, but others may not be - consider not mowing the lawn or starting DIY at the crack of dawn.
  • Parties: Neighbours are less likely to have a problem with a party if they are aware of it in advance.  
  • Cars: Make sure the music in your car isn't disturbing others.
  • Alarms: Have a nominated key holder for your property when you are away, who can be contacted quickly if the house alarm goes off.
  • Stereo and T.V: Position the TV and speakers away from the neighbours wall.  Raise them up off the floor if possible. 
  • Dogs: Constant barking or whining of a dog can be disturbing to neighbours.

 If you want further advice or guidance you can contact our Safer Communities Team by emailing If you are a tenant of ours, you can also refer to your tenancy agreement.

Hate Crime

Any criminal offence that the victim or any other person perceives as being motivated by prejudice or hate can be considered a hate crime. It can be based on a person’s race, sexual orientation, faith, disability or transgender identity.

Everyone who lives, works in or visits Melton has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and to live without fear of hatred. We all have a role to play in stamping out hatred, respecting differences and saying NO to hate in our local communities.

If you have been a victim, or if you have witnessed or become aware of a hate incident you can report it on the online anti-social behaviour form below or in an emergency call emergency contact the police on 999.

Report anti-social behaviour

You can report ASB in one of three ways:

  • report it to us by completing our online form
  • report it to the Police by calling 101
  • report it to Crime Stoppers by calling 0800 555 111

For further information please visit the Leicestershire Police website.

What information do we need

We need as much information and intelligence as possible in order to deal with individuals and families effectively. For example:

  • The duration of the incident?                                         
  • Who was involved?  
  • How many individuals were involved?  
  • Where do they live?  
  • What exactly were they doing?  
  • How did it affect you?  
  • Were there any other witnesses? 

All of the information you provide will be kept private and confidential.

Tackling anti-social behaviour

What we are doing to tackle anti-social behaviour in the borough?

Our approach in dealing with anti-social behaviour covers all aspects from prevention to rehabilitation and we will protect and support victims and witnesses. Where necessary, we will also refer alleged perpetrators to support agencies. As each case of anti-social behaviour is unique so is the way in which we handle each complaint, and our actions will depend upon the nature and severity of each incident.

Incremental approach

We have adopted an incremental approach to manage anti-social behaviour in a consistent, proportionate and phased manner. To prevent and tackle anti-social behaviour, we work in partnership with various external agencies (for example, Leicestershire Constabulary, Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service, Victim Support).

Anti-social behaviour case review

The anti-social behaviour case review gives victims and communities the ability to demand action, starting with a review of their case, in order to find a solution.

Talking to those responsible for anti-social behaviour

If you decide to talk to the person responsible for anti-social behaviour it may help to consider the following:

  1. Let the person know there is a problem. Be calm and polite as they may not know they are causing you any distress
  2. Ask them for some of their time to talk about the problem. You may wish to take a friend with you if you do not want to go on your own
  3. If you still feel concerned, write a polite letter to re address the problem

If the problem continues reporting the anti-social behaviour formally. 

How do we tackle anti-social behaviour in our properties

Often, early intervention by addressing the issues through informal action such as face-to-face contact, letters and mediation will resolve cases.

Where we have to we will work with partners to use the following remedies to resolve unacceptable behaviour from neighbours:

  • Acceptable behaviour agreements
  • Injunctions
  • Possession action
  • Criminal behaviour orders
  • Community protection notices
  • Closure orders/notices
  • Eviction – this will always be the last resort and where appropriate, we’ll look to work with the perpetrators to understand the reason behind their behaviour.

Where we do not consider the matter to amount to antisocial behaviour, we will provide appropriate advice and information to both the tenant making the complaint and the tenant the complaint was made about. We will work with you to encourage tolerance and/or ask you to resolves the matters yourselves.

Last updated 21 June 2024
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