Can’t find the service you are looking for? A full list of services can be found on our A–Z listings page.
Read our flood information and advice to make sure you are prepared for future flooding.
How to report an abandoned vehicle
What to do if you witness anti-social behaviour and how to report it to us
If you see someone fly-tipping report it to us
How to report graffiti to us, including graffiti on private property.
Report a noise nuisance
Report a barking dog causing a noise nuisance
Report issues with roads or pavements, such as potholes, grit bins, hedges and trees to Leicestershire County Council.
Report an issue or change of circumstance to us, such as fraud, a planning breech, a changing in your address and more.
Report a dead animal which is on council land, a public area or on an adopted highway.
Let us know about a damaged or overflowing bin in the community.