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Our projects

Since 2019 we have been working on a series of projects to begin reducing our emissions and to understand our future aims and targets. These projects are detailed below.

Baseline study and action plan

We have worked with Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE) APSE Energy to produce a Baseline Study of the emissions generated by our own operations, which will inform the reduction targets and Action Plan.

The baseline study measures the amount of emissions produced across all Council services in the period April 2019 to March 2020 (pre-covid). This allows us to have baseline figure to reduce from, this will be the starting point to meeting our net-zero target. The key points within the Baseline Study are as follows;

The 2019/20 net carbon footprint from Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions within Melton Borough Council’s operations was 5,812 tCO2e (tonnes of Carbon dioxide equivalent).

High emitters include: Housing stock, Leased Assets, Contractor Travel and our own gas usage.

Scope 3 emissions highest (91.8% of total emissions)

Using the baseline study as a basis APSE have then produced a trajectory report, this outlines various scenarios of how we can reduce our emissions. The report also included a series of recommendations, they are broken down into short, medium and long term. It is our intention to use these as a basis for our Action Plan going forward. The key points from Net Zero Carbon Emissions Trajectory include;

Following the recommendations within the report the council has the ability to reduce its emissions by 4,001tCO2e (77%) when comparing 2019 to 2030.

The other 23% (1,199tCO2e) are from hard to reduce sources that will need to be offset, potentially through a Council led land–based PV and a tree planting scheme.

To achieve the 2030 target the recommendations include reviewing maintenance policies to specify highly efficient plant and services, and low emission vehicles, rather than replacing like-for-like. Changing policies to specify using materials with low embodied carbon, use of air source heat pumps on Council buildings.

It should be clearly noted that the recommendations and cost estimates within the report are only a guide. It is our intention to produce our own action plan and understand the costings of our actions.

The full baseline study and trajectory report can be downloaded and read in full at the bottom of the page.

A review of our carbon footprint was undertaken for the period 2022–2023 using the Local Partnerships/Local Government Association Greenhouse Gas Accounting Tool. This provides a good comparison with the data collected in the baseline study in 2019 and demonstrates reduction of emissions through Council’s actions over the last three-year period.  Scope 1 and 2 emissions have reduced by 21% considered to have been mainly achieved due to the Councils’ decision to utilise the hybrid working model.

Private sector housing
  • The Council has secured over £2m funding from the Government to improve energy efficiency in private sector homes of which 91 homes have been completed.
  • In addition, the Council has worked with private sector partners to install energy efficiency measures in 762 low income private sector households over the last three years.
  • The council are involved in a Group-buying scheme delivered through Green Living Leicestershire and operated by iChoosr Ltd to install solar PV and battery storage systems, open to all private sector properties.  For the 2023 scheme 18 households across the borough had solar PV installed with 251 panels in total. Registrations for the third phase of the scheme will open in June 2024.
  • Between 2016-2022 Melton Borough Council worked with Street Homes Solutions to promote the Energy Company Obligation Scheme (ECO) and the Flex element, to widen eligibility criteria. 
Council housing
  • Climate Change is a key part of the Housing Revenue Asset (HRA) Business Plan, which sets out the Council’s expectations and plans for council homes for the next 30 years.
  • The Council has invested £1.5m of Housing Revenue Account to improve energy efficiency standards in 306 council homes.
  • Further 350 homes are due to receive installations such as boiler replacements, window insulation, solar panels etc by March 2025.
  • Replaces lighting with LED in communal areas of council flats.
  • Tenants newsletter includes information to raise awareness of energy efficiency and influence tenants behaviours.
  • Upon receiving solar panels through the scheme, local resident Mr Copland said “Although there has been energy price changes the solar panels are making a positive difference to electricity bills since installation in May. The last 3 monthly electricity bill, although it included the energy rebate, was surprisingly low, and other people were paying more. When the next bill arrives, it will give a better idea of how much the panels are saving. Also, during bright sunny days other appliances such as the washing machine can be put on to make use of the available solar electricity, saving energy and money.”
Corporate services
  • Significant reduction in printing and the use of paper is achieved through awareness raising campaigns across all service areas.
  • Implementation of new financial processing system has helped reducing the number of cheques being processed by over 90%.
  • Electronic post room and e-billing system is being introduced currently to reduce the use of paper, printing and postage.
  • Cycle to work scheme is being promoted for increased take up.
  • HR practices and guidance are under review to support he ‘way we work’ strategy, reduce journeys to work, incentivise fuel efficiency and encourage the use of low carbon vehicles.
Environmental maintenance services
  • Specification for the purchase of fleet of vehicles for the environmental maintenance team has included enhanced fuel efficiency measures. Where possible, fossil fuel equipment is replaced by purchasing electric equipment.
  • A wild flower area is added in the country park and wild flower planting has been introduced as part of the winter maintenance programme for Autumn 2023.
  • Installation of fuel storage at the depot has helped reducing travels to fuel stations for green waste and environmental maintenance fleet.
  • The use of peat and pesticides is stopped in maintenance works for parks and open spaces.
  • Water conservation measures and composting bins are added to the cemetery.
Waste collection
  • Biffa are due to adapt their fleet of vehicles to be electric by 2028.
  • Green waste contract is awarded to a local composting business to reduce waste travel miles.
  • A range of campaigns are delivered in partnership with Biffa to raise awareness about reducing waste and contamination to increase recycling.
Council property and assets
  • Increasing energy efficiency to reduce running costs is a key objective of the asset development programme.
  • Condition surveys of all assets is completed. Energy audits are proposed to be undertaken as part of the next planned maintenance programme.
  • Solar panels are re-connected to the water heating system in Parkside.
  • Proposed works as part of the Stockyard redevelopment include energy efficiency and water conservation.
  • Two electric vehicle charging points have been installed in Burton Street car park. Plans are underway to install an electric vehicle charging solar hub for approximately 12 car spaces in a council owned car park in Melton Mowbray town centre.
Leisure services
  • Reducing carbon is a key criteria for the procurement of the new leisure operator contract.
  • The Council has approved ‘Active together’, the 10 year framework to encourages greater joint working opportunities planning, environment, housing and health and well-being by Developing physical activity messaging utilising our digital offer to showcase physical activity opportunities delivered by organisations, partners, community groups to increase the use of open spaces, parks, walking and cycling paths.
Last updated 28 November 2024
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