Read our flood information and advice to make sure you are prepared for future flooding.
Our position on climate change
Since the climate emergency declaration in 2019 the Council has focused energy and efforts on our ambition for our own operations and functions to be net-zero, and to promote sustainability within the borough, with the aim that the borough will be net-zero by 2050.
Housing Strategy
’Sustainable Homes’ is a key strategic objective for the Housing Strategy for Melton (2021-26). It identifies that ‘The climate emergency, sustainable living and enhancing the natural environment should be key considerations at all stages of planning, delivery, and occupations of homes.’
Waste collection and recycling
We are part of he Leicestershire Waste Partnership preparing the Leicestershire Resources and Waste Strategy 2022-2050. A range of pledges, such as delivering reuse services and encouraging residents to prevent unnecessary waste, are set out in the strategy as is, subject to Government policy and funding, implementing household food waste collections.
Local Plan
Sustainable development is a key theme in the adopted Melton Borough Local Plan (2011-2036). The Council has commenced the review of the Plan and the scope for this review includes re-visiting the policies relating to climate change and Bio-Diversity Net Gain.
Procurement Appraisal Framework
The procurement appraisal framework (2020-24) for the Council promotes climate objectives being considered as part of any procurement process, by including this as a question within the “Procurement Initiation Document”. This prompts the Council Officer to ensure details of the objectives are within the specification as Key Performance Indicators, detailing what is to be measured, how often and the format information is to be provided in. It also ensures (where appropriate) the Council conducts whole life costing to consider environmental, social and whole life cost criteria in the assessment of best value for money and in the evaluation criteria.
Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan
The Housing Revenue Account Business Plan sets out the Council’s expectations and plans for council homes for the next 30 years (2022 – 2052) and the financial sustainability of the Council’s housing services. Section 8.2 of the HRA Business Plan covers climate change and energy efficiency.
As part of the HRA Asset Management Plan, we have committed over the next twelve months to commission an analysis of energy efficiency data to inform a future strategy and investment plan to improve the carbon efficiency of council homes.
The Way We Work Strategy
This strategy underpins the delivery of our Corporate Strategy and having considered all the outcomes in our vision to be successfully delivered, we believe digital development, greater collaboration, community support and new ways of working will contribute significantly to reducing carbon emissions through the Council’s service delivery.
Live The Change
We launched our ‘Live The Change Pledge’ with all employees in January 2023. This scheme gave the opportunity for employees to make a pledge to do something to support the Council’s commitment to making a difference on climate change. In February Councillors were asked to get involved and the pledges include:
- Walking or cycling more to work and at home and replacing car journeys with public transport.
- Growing food at home or at an allotment and composting more.
- Fitting solar panels and replacing traditional bulbs with energy saving alternatives such as LED lighting.
- Reducing food waste and storing/reusing rainwater so it could be used in dryer months to water plants.
- Re-wilding gardens and encouraging nature to thrive.
We continue to work with colleagues and members to increase awareness and participation in carbon saving activities.