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Landlord appealing a benefit decision
A landlord can only appeal against the following decisions we have made:
- Whether or not to pay direct payments
- The reason for overpaid housing benefit
- Whether the overpayment is recoverable from them
A landlord cannot appeal the following:
- How much housing benefit has been awarded to a tenant.
- The Local Housing Allowance rate used as supplied by the Valuation Office.
- If we reduce payments that are made to you in order to recover an overpayment from your tenants previous address.
If you wish to appeal a decision you can do this in writing either by post:
Melton Borough Council,
Parkside, Station Approach,
Burton Street,
Melton Mowbray,
Leics, LE13 1GH
Or send an email to
Last updated 11 October 2022
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