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Customer satisfaction feedback
We are keen to understand the journey you, our customers, have taken so that we can help develop our services with you in mind. To collect your feedback on the service you received contacting us by telephone or using our website we use a tool called GovMetric.
If you have called our Customer Contact Centre you may be contacted by text message to provide feedback.
You will be sent a text message from 07984 404987 within 7 working days. This will ask you to complete a short survey consisting of 7 questions.
This information tells us what you thought of the service you received from our Customer Services team. We use this information to improve how we deliver our services by continuing to do what we do well or making changes where you felt you haven't received the quality of service you were expecting.
You may also notice, we offer a customer satisfaction feedback tool on our website. On the side of every webpage you can rate that page using 'faces'.
It's an effective way for us to find out what you think of the information on our website. It tells us what works well and what needs to be improved.
When you rate a page, you also have the option to provide further information - this ensures we concentrate on areas most in need of improvement or lets us know where we are getting things right. We look at every comment we receive make sure we respond or take any necessary action as soon as we can.
In some cases we can instantly make improvement based on the feedback provided. At other times, amendments may require more time and development.